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Christian Women Speakers
Contact Christian Speakers 360 to hire famous Christian women speakers for your next faith-based event. Our booking agency has access to Christian women who speak about Christian values, many who have founded womens ministries. Our agency can assist you in booking the ideal Christian speaker or celebrity. Many churches and organizations sponsor womens ministries designed to reach out to women on a local and global scale. Women speaker topics and activities can be specific to women such as Momtime Ministries, a religious network of mothers' groups who meet weekly founded by actress, Lisa Whelchel, who is a regular speaker at Women of Faith Christian conferences, Dominique Dawes, an Olympic gold medalist, Bethany Hamilton, a professional surfer, who at the age of 13, lost her left arm in a shark attack and Patricia Heaton, an award-winning actress, mother of four and a pro-life advocate, just to name a few.
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Christian Speakers 360 is a Christian talent booking agency that represents organizations seeking to hire Women Speakers who are available for a speaking engagement, appearance, endorsement or corporate event. If you are looking for booking agent and speaker fee information on how to book Women Speakers, then look no further. Christian Speakers 360 has compiled the largest and most comprehensive database of athletes and celebrity information in the country. Many of our speakers are born again Christian evangelicals who honor Jesus Christ's message through communities, schools, universties and ministries. Christian Speakers 360 can also can assist your organization on how to hire evangelicals, Christian athletes, celebrities and entertainers for an upcoming church function, fundraiser or outreach event. Bookings include church-wide outreach events, men's ministries, womens's ministries, youth outreach events, staff retreats, weekend services, military outreaches, sports outreaches, marriage and family events and more. Whatever the need, Christian Speakers 360 can help. Contact our booking agents for info.