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Christian Speakers
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Christian Speakers 360 is a Christian talent booking agency representing organizations seeking to hire or book a Christian speaker, athlete, motivational speaker, evangelical, minister or celebrity available for speaking engagements, church functions, outreach events, charity fundraisers, endorsements or entertainment. Here you can find a database of famous Christian athletes, celebrities, actors and performers for hire who honor God with the message of Jesus Christ. Our agents have access to a large database of born again Christians & evangelicals. People often ask how do I book a Christian speaker, motivational speaker, celebrity, athlete or Christian entertainer for an upcoming event? We have the ability to match your requirements helping you to book the ideal Christian speaker, athlete, entertainer, Gospel singer, comedian, musician or performer for your upcoming event. Bookings include church-wide outreach events, men's ministries, womens ministries, youth outreach events, staff retreats, weekend services, military outreach, sports outreach, marriage and family events and more. Whatever the need, Christian Speakers 360 can help. Contact our booking agents for info.